辛苦工作了半年,喺時候來個break;去次旅行鬆一鬆,差足電準備將來更多挑戰! ????

去旅行,同邊個去、夾埋以咩dress code去,比去哪裏來得更重要✈️; 裝扮下去留倩影, 同閏密朋友為難得嘅旅程再添一份難忘❤️

是的~ 人愈大,一起去旅行的機會更難能可貴,要珍惜~!

最近打開衣櫃, 看到上年旅行時著過嘅衫, 種種回憶立刻浮現, 忍不住翻看照片回味一下那旅程的樂趣、經歷、片段和回憶~


又係時候籌備下次旅程了~! 看看這'TRAVEL WITH WHOAMI' Collection來一點準備

A 'Recharge Break' is a kind of balance for your year long hard working life, and a leisure trip ✈️must be one of the best choices! 

To whom to go with, what outfits to wear,❤️ are sometimes more important than the places to visit! Those were the days you would recall next time when u open your wardrobe, spotting those outfits piling up there, like they are yelling to you,  'Hey Madam, when is our next trip?!'

Its time to plan for your next one, check out our latest 'TRAVEL WITH WHOAMI' Collection to get some insights~

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