WHOAMI其中推崇的便是Playful Glamourous感覺~
Playful Glamourous聽來有點抽象,或許就是低調地高調、平凡卻與別不同吧~! 這也正正是WHOAMI的理念。
Time to be playfulafter having been immersed in the summer for awhile!
'Playful Glamourous' is one of the messages WHOAMI is delivering..kind of abstract? Maybe its like being stand out in a lower profile way
, or being distinctive in a humble way~
Layering is a challenge in this hot days☀️, amplifying the advantages of every pieces of clothes is kind of a reflection on how much time u have spent on dressing.
Energizing the last stage of the summerfrom its boredom, and getting ready for the cozy Autumn!